Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gru: feedback is our friend

G G: sa iti schimbi culoarea la blog, se citeste greu
hpr.: iaaaar
hpr.: cum adica?
G G: e scrisul mic si gru
G G: se citeste greu
hpr.: gri, adica?
G G: gru e o greseala
G G: e mic

Monday, December 15, 2008

S-a ferit...


G G: ai vazut stirile internationale?
hpr.: nu
hpr.: murim?
G G: a dat ceva jurnalist irakian cu papucii dupa bush
hpr.: yeaaa
G G: cauta sa vezi
G G: s-a ferit tampitul

In the Arab world, shoe flinging is a gesture of extreme disrespect. A notable occurrence of this gesture happened in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003. When U.S. forces pulled down a giant statue of Saddam Hussein during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, many Iraqi detractors of Hussein threw their shoes at the fallen statue.
The shoe represents the lowest part of the body (the foot) and displaying or throwing a shoe at someone or something in Arab cultures denotes that the person or thing is "beneath them." Showing the bottom of one's feet or shoes (for example, putting one's feet up on a table or desk) in Arab cultures is considered an extreme insult.Examples include Iraqi citizens smacking torn-down posters of Saddam Hussein with their shoes, and the depiction of President of the United States George H. W. Bush on a tile mosaic of the floor of the Al-Rashid Hotel's lobby, forcing all visitors entering the hotel to walk on Bush's face to enter the hotel.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Marijuana warning video

Un scurt filmuleţ educativ, care avertizează tinerii asupra primejdiilor asociate consumului de narcotice, în speţă cannabis sau marihuana. "You there! Stop laughing! Laughing is a symptom caused by blowing pot!"

Monday, November 17, 2008


Mamihlapinatapai (sometimes spelled mamihlapinatapei) is a word from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the "most succinct word", and is considered one of the hardest words to translate.

It describes "a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but which neither one wants to start."

The word consists of the reflexive/passive prefix ma- (mam- before a vowel), the root ihlapi (pronounced [iɬapi]), which means to be at a loss as what to do next, the stative suffix -n, an achievement suffix -ata, and the dual suffix -apai, which in composition with the reflexive mam- has a reciprocal sense.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Beardy eyed glasses

  • a horrible beardy man just SHOUTED at me in a meeting

  • he was going "do you understand what WE mean by the word creative that you've been bandying around this afternoon?". and he had dark glasses on so I couldn't see his eyes so I got all scared and couldn't think of anything to say so i said "i'm sorry, I'm finding this conversation very difficult because I can't see your eyes" because I thought he was being rude wearing his sunglasses and he said "I've got photophobia, I have to wear them" *cries*

    (from, n-am inteles nimic, dar m-a bagat in film)

    Friday, October 24, 2008

    Despre Bluto

    Bluto o iubea pe Olive. De aia lua atâta bătaie de la Popeye şi totuşi revenea să o curteze.


    (by Carlos Latuff. more here.)

    "Ramallah is not Auschwitz. Israel is not the Third Reich. We have no death camps and we haven't massacred one third of the Palestinian population in gas chambers. Therefore, everything we do is quite all right. We may fill the occupied territories with tear gas and blood, we may kill and injure and torture and blackmail and dispossess, we may surround millions by electric fences and tanks in tiny enclaves, we may hold them under siege and daily bombing, we may make pregnant women walk to hospitals, and we shoot ambulances too, don't we. But as long as we fall even an inch short of the atrocities of Nazi Germany, it's all fine and good, and don't you dare make the comparison."

    Ran HaCohen (writer, and teacher at Tel-Aviv University)

    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    Tuesday, October 7, 2008

    Comentariu de la : Anonim

    Comentariu de la : Doron , 18.09.2008, 10:07
    Tigan bun = MORT!
    Raspuns | Semnalare

    "Tiganii sunt neasimilabili intr-o societate moderna! Locul lor este in negura Istoriei.

    TOTI tiganii ar trebui exterminati! Existenta lor parazitara, activitatile lor in afara legii impieteaza existenta pasnica pe teritoriul Romaniei.

    Baieti, ucideti Javrele astea care se cred oameni!"

    Comentariu de la : Anonim , 18.09.2008, 11:00s
    Raspuns | Semnalare

    "noua dreapta=laba"

    Friday, October 3, 2008

    Friday, September 26, 2008

    You are killing me with your trash...

    O campanie care m-a dat un pic peste cap.

    Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    Urinary Detection Times for Cannabis

    In trace amounts:
    - casual use: 2-7 days
    - chronic use: up to one month

    Resulting in positive test:
    -casual use: 1-5 days
    -chronic use: up to six weeks


    My dials are pupilated

    "Reality is just a refuge for people who can't handle drugs."
    Robin Williams

    "I've never had a problem with drugs. I've had problems with the police."
    Keith Richards

    "Don't do drugs because if you do drugs you'll go to prison, and drugs are really expensive in prison."
    John Hardwick

    "My dials are pupilated."

    "I don't like people who take drugs... Customs men for example."
    Mick Miller

    "Animal rights people are historically overt abusers of substances, but you know; if you took as much LSD as Paul McCartney you wouldn't eat anything with a face either."

    "The cruelest trick came from the Talibans, who allowed plenty of drugs and then banned music."

    (more on

    Thursday, September 18, 2008


    (picture seen on

    Feedback is apreciated

    G. G.: ba
    G. G.: tu nu o sa ajungi bine
    G. G.: asta-i instigare ce faci tu
    G. G.: cu blogul tau
    G. G.: nu cred ca ai voie sa zici ca e ok sa existe o ferma ilegala de heroinomani cum le zici tu
    G. G.: mai termina cu toate prostiile astea
    G. G.: ce tot scrii tot felul
    G. G.: si te mai si iei de corutieni si de strajeri si de tot felul de comunitati de tampiti
    hpr.: ja?
    G. G.: si mai zici ca e ok sa se faca o comunitate de dependenti de heroina
    hpr.: pai si?
    hpr.: oricum ii avem
    hpr.: sa ii luam de pe strazi
    hpr.: sa ii trimitem la ferma
    G. G.: treaba ta
    G. G.: eu iti tot zic sa termini
    G. G.: hai ca ies
    G. G.: vb la 5 jumate

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008


    Dependenţii de heroină vor heroină. Asta e clar. Sunt morţi după heroină. "Heroină, heroinăă, vreau heroinăăă". Îşi vând chestii din casă ca să îşi ia heroină. Fură de la prieteni. Se prostituează. Naşpa, nu?
    Ok. Acum vin eu şi întreb: de ce naiba se ajunge aici? De ce nu se asociază, câte 20-30 de dependenţi, în comunităţi agricole, centrate în jurul unei plantaţii de mac. Să îşi producă singuri heroina. Ok, e greu, dar trebuie să se poată face. Va imaginaţi? O comunitate utopică de heroinomani. Aşadar, daca un toxicoman are un teren undeva într-o zona mai puţin populată, ar face bine să nu îl vândă ca tâmpitu' ca să îşi ia droguri de toţi banii. Nu, să îşi adune prietenii dependenţi şi să le pună planul în faţă: se mută toţi acolo, construiesc o fermă. Îşi vând tot, dar nu îşi iau droguri ca animalele de toţi banii, nu, investesc acolo. O parte din ei se ocupă de agricultura de subzistenţă, o parte de culturile de mac, o parte de producţia heroinei. Nu e uşor de sintetizat, fireşte, dar se poate face. Trăiesc fericiţi. Ziua lucrează câmpul, seara îşi bagă în venă. Un fel de comunitate amish cu droguri grele. Mulg vaca, culeg macul, recicleaza seringile. Familia îi vizitează. Îşi găsesc un guru, găsesc pacea. Îi băgăm în circuitul turistic. Totul e bine.

    Tuesday, September 16, 2008


    "In 1990, 21 Israeli soldiers confessed to frequent repeated brutal assaults against Palestinians. Yishai-Karin reported that Israeli soldiers were exposed to violence against Palestinians during the first weeks of training. The soldiers also expressed feelings of joy when they were given power to instill fear and use physical violence on the Palestinians. One soldier recalls shooting an unarmed Palestinian for no reason, "We were in a weapons carrier when this guy, around 25, passed by in the street and, just like that, for no reason - he didn't throw a stone did nothing - bang, a bullet in the stomach, he shot him in the stomach and the guy is dying on the pavement and we keep going, apathetic. No one gave him a second look,' he said."

    "The Swedish branch of Save the Children estimated that, "23,600 to 29,900 Palestinian children required medical treatment for their beating injuries in the first two years of the intifada", one third of whom were children under the age of ten years old."

    "Until February 2005, Israel had in place a policy to demolish the family homes of suicide bombers. Due to the considerable number of Palestinians living in single homes, the large quantity of homes destroyed, and collateral damage from house demolitions, it become an increasingly controversial tactic. Families have provided timely information to Israeli forces regarding suicide bombing activities in order to prevent the demolition of their houses, although families doing so risk being executed or otherwise punished for collaboration, either by the Palestinian Authority or extra-judicially by Palestinian militants. The IDF committee studying the issue recommended ending the practice because the policy was not effective enough to justify its costs to Israel's image internationally and the backlash it created among Palestinians."

    (text and picture from wikipedia, more here and here)

    Thursday, August 14, 2008


    "Cutezaţi să ne băgaţi în aceeaşi oală cu yoghinii şi maneliştii? Habar nu aveţi ce principii ne animă, în cazul ăsta. Şi ca să vedeţi că e posibil să ştim şi noi ce e aia "luptă informativă", vă invit să vă continuaţi campania, şi să asistaţi neputincioşi la urmările acţiunii voastre!"

    hpr: m-au atacat corutienii coaie
    hpr: mi-au dat ceva report la hi5
    GG: si ce poze au sters?
    hpr: aia cu ala care da cu sticla
    hpr: ca violenta or something
    GG: da...dar cum au ajuns ei la hi5?
    hpr: pai nush
    hpr: e pe googl
    GG: corutienii
    hpr: ce repede se misca
    hpr: ca o masina de lupta bine pusa la punct
    GG: au googalit huligan prod
    GG: sa vada cine sunt...urmeaza atacul psi
    hpr: au facut screenshoturi sa aiba dovezi
    hpr: and shit
    GG: a oprit o masina neagra in fata firmei mele....cred ca m-au gasit...
    GG: sunt 2 si cred ca pregatesc un atac psi
    hpr: repede
    hpr: staniol pe cap!
    hpr: doar asta te poate salva
    hpr: !!
    hpr: baaaa
    hpr: baaa
    hpr: ba
    hpr: ba
    hpr: ba
    GG: ce ma?
    hpr: nimic
    hpr: thamanarakos a raspuns cu demnitatea lupului ciufulit
    hpr: uuuuuuuuuuu
    hpr: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    hpr: "Cutezati?"
    hpr: "sa asistati neputinciosi"
    hpr: ce face corut cu ei
    hpr: se joaca şotron in creierul lor
    hpr: e tare dude asta
    hpr: iti zic eu, in cativa ani o sa i se zica Parintele
    hpr: o sa aiba secta lui
    hpr: „corutienii“ o sa li se zica
    GG: aaaa
    GG: uau
    hpr: vezi frumusetea?
    hpr: “Cutezaţi să ne băgaţi în aceeaşi oală cu yoghinii şi maneliştii?“
    hpr: uite uite
    hpr: lupta informativa
    hpr: ei stiu ce e aia
    hpr: din cartile lu corut
    hpr: lanseaza atacuri psi
    hpr: daca astia cred ca ei stiu ce-s alea atacuri psi, inseamna ca n-au crescut cu ai mei in casa
    GG: cheama-l pe D*****
    GG: in ajutor
    hpr: pe D****?
    hpr: nu
    hpr: mediteaza pana in decembrie, nu poate fi deranjat
    hpr: s-a mutat la tartaria, la situl de decolare. asteapta ca Parintii Galactici sa il cheme la ei la un schimb de experienta
    hpr: auzi ba
    hpr: sa se ia ei de contul meu de hi5
    hpr: asta a fost un atac informatic sub centura
    hpr: cu buzele
    hpr: asa i-o fi invatat corut?!
    GG: pe toate fronturilesi in toate directiile, exact ca un tsunami dar ascutiti ca o sabie de samurai in acelasi timp
    hpr: da daaaa
    hpr: asa ataca ei
    hpr: au invatat din cartile LUI
    GG: merg la magazin sa imi iau ceva de mancare, trimite si tu ceva interesant sa citesc
    GG: ceva legat de amenintarile pe care le tot primesti de la diferitele grupuri de ciudati
    GG: te rog
    GG: in 5 min revin
    GG: multumesc
    GG: Ba, cu fanii lu curutz nu poti purta discutii inteligente. Calitatea de fan curutz e un eufemism pt prostie. Curutz e pt prosti.

    (Re-editat ca ocupa prea mult loc)

    Tuesday, July 1, 2008

    The way we were

    When Florida Attorney Norm Kent received a form letter from Sen. Norm Coleman condemning marijuana, Kent fired off this note to his former Hofstra University smoking buddy.
    My friend Norman,
    Years ago, in a lifetime far away, you did not oppose the legalization of marijuana...
    Sure, we had to tape the doors shut, burn incense and open the windows...yet we grew up okay, without the help of the Office of National Drug Control Policy's advice.
    We grew up to become lawyers. Our other friends, as you go down the list, are doctors, professors, parents, political consultants and professionals. No one ever got cancer from smoking pot or diabetes from using a joint.
    You never said then that pot was dangerous. What was scary then, and is as frightening now, is when national leaders become voices of hypocrisy, harbingers of the status quo, and protect their own position instead of the public good.
    In your public life, as an attorney general, mayor and United States senator, you have been in the forefront of speaking out against abuses which are harmful. You have been a noble and honorable public servant... How about admitting that if the Rockefeller drug laws were applied to Norman Bruce Coleman on Long Island in 1968, or to me, or to our friends, and fellow students, you, I and others we knew and loved might just be getting out of jail now?
    How about standing up and saying: "I, Norm Coleman, smoked pot in 1969." That "I am not a gang member, a drug addict or a criminal." How about saying: "I was able to responsibly integrate my prior pot use into my life, and still succeed on my own merits."
    How about standing up not only for who you are, but who you were?
    Norm Kent

    Monday, June 23, 2008

    Despre Factorul Hannibal

    Factorul Hannibal e găinaţul care îţi pică pe mânecă atunci cand te duci la o întâlnire importantă. E mama care te sună la ora doişpe jumate, când eşti praf şi nu eşti în stare sa discuţi articulat nici cu fierul de călcat. E elementul neprevăzut şi implacabil care îţi distruge un întreg eşafodaj de planuri repetate mental şi bine puse la punct.
    Hannibal era tuciuriu şi fenician de origine, adica din nordul Cannan-ului, adica pe unde e acum Libanul, adica megadeparte. Hannibal şi-a asamblat o armată barosană, elefanţi de luptă incluşi, şi a plecat să se trosnească cu Imperiul Roman. În Peninsula Italică, fireşte, că doar nu la el acasă. Pe drum s-a bătut cu toţi, adică cu o grămadă de triburi prin ograda cărora a trecut. Totul a mers bine până când a fost fost forţat să treacă Alpii. Unde, fireşte, mare parte din elefanţi au mierlito. Pentru că NU ERA LOCUL LOR ACOLO. Ok, deci Hannibal a ajuns în Italia cu mai puţin de jumate din armată, lăsaţi pe drum, şi în ciuda faptului că era un tactician strălucit, a luat-o într-un final în freză.
    Hannibal nu a luat în calcul un factor, traversarea Alpilor, şi asta l-a costat Roma. În ciuda planificării atente. La naiba, în ciuda ELEFANŢILOR.

    Saturday, April 26, 2008

    ...and Onoda ordered the men to take to the hills.

    "Second Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda (Onoda Hirō; born March 19, 1922) is a former Japanese army intelligence officer who fought in World War II, and did not surrender until 1974."

    Hiroo Onoda on Wikipedia

    Thursday, April 3, 2008


    Layout in Archicad 9, randat in Artlantis

    Thursday, March 27, 2008


    "The US Department of the Treasury had warned Fischer beforehand that his participation was illegal as it violated President George H. W. Bush's Executive Order 12810 that implemented United Nations sanctions against engaging in economic activities in Yugoslavia. In front of the international press, Fischer was filmed spitting on the US order forbidding him to play. Following the match, the department obtained an arrest warrant for him. Fischer remained wanted by the United States government for the rest of his life and never returned to the United States again."

    Bobby Fischer on Wikipedia

    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Aveţi un băieţel superb de un chil nouă sute... rămâne?

    Monday, March 17, 2008

    "quick note on eating cannabis
    If you take it orally, you could be in for quite a ride. The liver metabolises THC into 11-OH-*9-THC, a compound three times more psychoactive. Oral cannabis is a powerful, almost psychedelic experience, very uncomfortable if you're not expecting it. The effects are slower to come on (1 to 2 hours) and last considerably longer (around 4 hours)"